Friday, February 26, 2010


so last night i went out to this "art show" in bev hills. the best way to describe it would be art by rockabilly/"aLteRna-GirLz" who also happen like "love lady gaga, i mean she's like so AVANT GARDEEE." whatever. anyways the friend i went with and i wen't outside of the "aqua-lounge" to the smoking area, which was really just an alley facing the Restoration hardware loading dock and smoked a joint. after finishing our $12 watered-down jack and cokes, we proceeded to smoke another joint at this park, HEYYYYY. anyways, there is really no point to this post, other than i had a good night with good company. I do miss going out like i used too, like when i when to la like every week. living in orange county is weirddddd!

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